Doubts 1: Are Sufis ahle biddah

A seeker inquired, I am attracted to the deobandi mashrab but have read some arab sufic works.

Ashrafiya replied,

This is good to know. It also shows your concern for Deen. May Allah swt increase it more with ‘afiyet. Amin!

Seeker continued ,

1)I wish to ask if you know where I can obtain Hakim ul Umma’s treatise on sama’

Ashrafiya replied,

It can be read online or downloaded from here.

Seeker asked, and his book on the chishtiya buzurgan not being ahle bidat

There is a book al sunnat al jalilia chishtiya.

In general it is about the importance paid by the Chishti mashaikh on following the Sunnah.

There is a detailed communication of Hakim al Umma rehmatullah aleh on the maslak of Hazrat Haji Imdadullah sahib rehmatullah aleh and that of his deobandi khulafa. It is included in the book Bawader al nawadir, page194 – 204
the book can be downloaded on read online from the following link,

The concept of bidah as understood and implemented in practice by the scholars of Deoband must be very clear upfront.
Most of the practices which we identify as bidah these days are rusoom that were mubah/permissible activities. In previous generation the over all religiosity was better than nowadays and people knew that these are cultural and customary practices. They indulged in them with a good intention. Most importantly they knew definitely that these are neither Sunna or wajib practices. However, in later generations the over all religiosity decreased (see for yourself nowadays) and especially the lay people (most of whom are negligent in observance of Sunna and wajibat) started to regard these activities essential. They criticized those who did not do so or said that one can be a Sunni Sufi without them. That was the point when scholars o Deoband took the bold stand.

Hazrat Haji Imdadullah sahib mohajir Makki rehmatullah aleh was well aware of the stance of his deobandi khulafa. However, he was also aware that these practices are cultural/customary rituals, they are neither from aqaid or ebadaat. Thay are zauqi umoor. The book Faisala hafta masala explicitly documents this.That is the reason he did not cancel their khilafet or forced them to do what they considered bidah. He tried his best that the two parties understand each others view point. He endorsed the book written by both of them.

Islahi emails:NS

Ajman 🇦🇪

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