ليبك اللهم ليبك

In the state of ihram proceeding towards Masjidul Haram, sidi wa sandi Hazrat Moulana Mohammad Taqi Usmani sahib db repeatedly recited;

لبيك اللهم لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك ان الحمد و نعمة لك و الملك لا شريك لك

and told us:
“In the state of ihram the most superior form of dhikr is this talbiyah. Reflecting on it, it is my opinion, and Allah SWT knows best, this repeated recitation is an exercise and training for us. That is it so remind us repeatedly that we are here, present and at service of Allah SWT. The result of this exercise has to appear when we return back to our routine daily life. There we have to say, ليبك: I am here, to obey each and every command of Allah SWT.”

Umrah with sidi wa sandi db