بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Make a practical and doable time table for daily activities.

The point to remember is that in Ramadan acts of primary form of worship are to be increased. These lead to an increasing direct relationship with Allah SWT (i.e. ta’luq ma’Allah).

This must include the following:

Tahajjud Salah: Easier than usual as one has to get up for suhoor. Preferably 8 rakah.

Dowazdah tasbeeh & zikr Ism e zaat
As instructed by the Sayyidi wa sanadi Hazrat Sheikh db.

At tahajjud real, sincere dua and begging for Allah SWT’s mercy, love, guidance, strong relationship, true knowledge & understanding of deen, observance of Sunnah and a’fiyah in this world and the after-life
Munajat e maqbool: Daily manzil (hizb).

Al fathiha: Recite سورة الفاتحة 41 times, preceded and followed with durood درود شريف 11 times between the Sunnah and faraz of fajar.

Recite Shajarah daily and make esal-e-sawab for theses pious predecessors.

Recite سورة يس after fajar.

Tasbehat: Hundred times each as instructed by Sayyidi wa sanadi Hazrat Sheikh db.

1)سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم

2) سبحان الله والحمد لله و لا اله الالله و الله اكبر

3) استغفار

4) درود شريف

5) لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلى العظيم

Tilawat Quran majeed: At least one parah (hizb) daily. This is the basic essential. Increase it as much as possible depending on your schedule. 

Ishraq salah: Approximately twelve minutes after sunrise pray 2 rakah.

Chaast salah: Around 10 AM 2-4 rakah

Awabeen salah: 6 rakah after maghrib

(PS: Nawafil are for those who do not have any qaza salah pending.)

Recite سورة واقعه after zuhar

Reciteمزمل سورة after maghrib

Recite سورة سجده and سورة ملك after e’sha & taraweeh 

Twenty rakah in jama’h.

In each taraweeah (i.e. resting between each 4 rakah) Hazrat Thanvi ra

used to recite درود شريف25 times.

Kalimah e tayyabah:
لا اله الالله with occasional محمد رسول الله , 500 times after taraweeh and in all other
spare times while doing the daily chores.

Try to concentrate on: “I am in front of Allah SWT and He is watching me.”
Five minutes, immediately following asr prayers.

This is the soul and essence of fasting. Try and extend it to other daily activities.

Excessive dua/prayers:
Any time you get a chance.
Especially prior to the iftar. Reserve 10 to 15 minutes for this alone.

Ask above all for Allah SWT’s pleasure, acceptance, jannah, refuge from His displeasure and hellfire.
All other minute and big things desired.
Most importantly to be included in His awliya (special friends).
Pray for the Muslims suffering around the world and betterment of the Ummah’s condition.

P.S. Each individual should do in consultation with his/her Shiekh what is practical for him her.

Also, it is essential to remember faraiz and wajibat (work,study & taking care of family) have priority over nawafil.