Status of sufi traditions

Mawlid  Hawl Hadra Urs

Milaad  Qiyam-Salat-o-Salam

Ijtemai Zikr Chillah Dhikr Raqs

Hizb Litanies Bayaih Tawajuh

Lataif Sama’ Barsi Khatam

Fatiha Nazar Niyaz Gheyarweih

Sajjada-nashini KhalwaWazifa Dawair

Shah Waliullah Dehlawi (may Allah have mercy on him) a Sufi master and the main teacher of Prophetic traditions (ahadith) for all the scholars of subcontinent origin said,

‘The  spiritual, perpetual and mutually favorable personal relationship with Allah (nisbet) of Sufis is an inconceivable treasure, whereas their traditions (rasoom) are of no value at all.’

Nisbet e sufiya, page 65

1 thought on “Status of sufi traditions

  1. 'abd Post author

    A brother expressed his suprise on this statement and asked for an explanation.

    It is essential for an aspirant to know what is the goal of tasawwuf, tariqa and sulook.

    If this is clear to him it would not be difficult to acknowledge that these sufic practices and traditions play a very minor role if any in attaining it.

    These activities, permissible in themselves, were initiated by the Sufi masters for their followers to keep them involved and save them from indulging into other impermissible acts. The local cultural, ethnic, soci-economic and enviormental factors played a role in this. They were best suited for the people of that era.

    The tradegy is that now these traditions have become the goal and main objective of tasawwuf.

    Anyone who does not engage in them is outcasted, called a wahabi and looked down upon. Doing this technically makes them a bida’.

    May Allah reward the likes of Hakim al-Umma (may Allah have mercy on him) who made the tasawwuf clear again and revived its reality. That is one of the reasons to call him ‘mujaddid’ of the past century.

    May Allah give us the tawfiq. Amin!

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