Repentance: The first step!







A sincere reader wrote,

Assalam o alaikum…

My name is XYZ…. I’m a student of college… Basically I am from Town C.

I stumbled upon your site. Thanks for such an outstanding work for us. May Allah bless you and give you what you want in this life and after death.

I think I should come to the main point, Sir, I am only a Muslim by name. I do not say my prayers regularly, don’t recite Kitab ul Allah, although I’m a hafiz. But i think I forgot most of it. I cut my beard. And many things I am not able to say in front of you.

Sir! I’m very much worried about my emaan. I have been lost in this life. Totally forgot my mission in this life for which I have been sent.

Please tell me what can I do now to save my emaan?  How can i come back to a life of Muslim?How can i do what I’m suppose to do…?
Can you please tell me

The reply sent,

Respected brother Hafiz XYZ sahib

as salamu alaykum wrwb

Jazak Allah

It is great to know about you.

Your email is reflective that, masha-Allah, you have importance and azmet of Deen in your heart. May Allah increase it more with ‘afiyet. Amin!

Please, be reminded that we are all humans. Weak in determination and lazy in action. It is in our nature to slip and fall down. However, it is abnormal to slip and not stand up, rub off the dirt, clean our-self and start walking again.

Please, do the same.

At the first opportunity take a bath (ghusul0, wear clean clothes, put some perfume (‘itr) and pray two rakat of salat e tauba. After salam raise hands and make heartfelt dua.

Tell Allah swt everything.

Tell Him that the disobedient slave has returned back to Your mercy.

Please, protect me and save me from my nafs and shaytan.

I am weak.

I repent from all that has been done.

I make firm determination that I will not do it again.

But what am I and what is my determination?

Ya Allah! only Your mercy will save me from committing sins again.

O Merciful have mercy on me. I have no other place to take refuge.

Like this pour out your heart. Take your time doing this.

After this, please, try your best to follow the basics of Islam on-wards. Especially, the 5 daily prayers on time.

Insha Allah gradually other things will be included. But do not rush now.

Remember, old bad habits die with difficulty. So do not expect miracles. There will be a struggle with nafs and shaytan. You have to have determination, high spirits and faith in Allah. Please, keep in contact with this lowly writer whatever your condition is on weekly basis. Insha Allah we will travel together on this path to Allah’s pleasure.

Avoid bad company. This includes friends, internet, books and magazines, etc.

Take care.

Do not worry a lot. Allah is most merciful.

Insha Allah, you will be successful.

muhtaj e dua


(Edited for posting)

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