Order of actions in islah

  1. The correct intention and determination to follow the path as described in the book Qas-us-sabeel

2. Repentance from all previous sinful activities

3. Completion of repentance. That is, compensating (qaza) the lapsed essential (fardh) and recommendable (wajibaat).

4. Steadfastness in essential (fardh), recommendable (wajibaat) and Sunna action from now onwards

5. Abandonment of all that is useless and sinful

6. Adopting a daily routine of extra good actions (wird) as instructed by the Shaikh. They include,

a. Excessive remembrance of Allah (dhikr)

b. Muraqaba and/ashgal

c. Tilawet

d. Dua

7. Rectifying the blameworthy morals traits by consulting the Shaikh regularly

It is essential to follow this order.

Haphazard activities usually results in waste of time and effort.

May Allah facilitate it for all of us. Ameen!

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