Category Archives: Z. Mustahebbat


A seeker wrote his quite extensive daily routine.

Ashrafiya replied,

MashaAllah. May Allah give you isteqamah.

Go slow and easy initially. Do not exhaust yourself by fixing a routine that is beyond your limits. Make lot of dua for ease, guidance and acceptance from Allah in this regards.

Also, it must be remembered that all these things are supererogatory (nafil) to provide assistance in fulfilling the essentials (wajibat) to gain Allah’s pleasure. The most important of which is to abstain from all that is impermissible (sins).
Also, your duties as a son, brother, husband, father, being a employee at work, or as a student in college have priority over all these nafil activities.

Islahi emails:UAL

How to develop Determination?

The touchstone (kimiya) for islah is determination (himmat).

It is developed by

  1. Increasing one’s knowledge about the importance of the actions being neglected.
  2. Being in the company of people who already have determination, the pious (buzurgan e deen).
  3. Reading about the predecessor pious (akabir and ahl-e-himmat o muhabbat). Book Nuzhatul Basateen is best compilation about this.
  4. Making dua regularly. Asking Allah for determination everyday.
  5. Keeping in contact with the Shaykh irrespective of one’s condition (bad or good).

Islahi emails::MRK

Communication with Shaikh

A seeker wrote,

Hazrat Ali Mian (Allah have mercy on him) told us to do the 3 tasbeehat of durood,astaghfar and 3rd kalima.

Unfortunately i dont do them regularly.I just do some zikr of durood and istaghfar randomly or while doing some household work.

Maybe i should try to be punctual in those before taking bayat from someoneelse?

Ashrafiya replied,

JazakAllah for the kind email. It is very much reflective of your ture yearning (talub). MashaAllah. May Allah increase it with afiyet. Amin.

Yes continue with what Hadhrat instructed.

If due to work, etc you cannot do 100 times, do 33 or 11 times daily. However, fix a time for them, for example after asr salah.

Also, make daily esal e sawab for him, atleast surah ikhlas 3 times.

In the meantime look for a Shaykh with whom you can easily communicate. The reality of bayat is to get instructions (to lead a true Islamic life). These are individualized to your circumstances and therefore, more beneficial then other good advice.

Please, do try to make dua for me.


Islahi emails


A seeker wrote, The rest of the mamoolaat are going good but memorising duas from the book Uswae Rasul e Akram is going weak. I always find it very hard to memorize the Quran and duas (and remember them). Please make dua in this regard.

Ashrafiya replied,
I usually take a picture of the dua in my mobile phone and recite it (reading the text at appropriate times). Eventually it is memorized.

Islahi emails:TA


A seeker wrote,

This question is about an issue that I feel seriously effects me. Its about considering myself better than others. I am not sure how to explain it properly but I feel that I think this way. I feel there is a sense of ‘kibr’ in me, the humility that should be the defining characteristic of a good muslim just seems to be absent. I feel I have to fake the humility constantly.
I constantly try to focus on the good qualities of other people and ponder upon the humility of our pious predecessors. But I feel my natural instinct is a feeling of superiority which I know has no basis.

Ashrafiya replied,
InshaAllah, with increasing marifet this humility will become more evident.

For the present make it a practice to recall whenever you see someone that he is superior to me and I am the most inferior (haqeer) of all.

Islahi emails

The first step

A seeker wrote

A year after Hajj ALLAH has blessed us with a daughter Allhamdulliah!!. Since then I really got involved with her. I tried my best to be devoted but I realized that my iman is getting weaker and weaker. I was not able to do those things which i used to do before and while taking care of her and home I get frustrated and when ever I get chance like when she sleeps or so, i use to watch drama on internet instead of doing ibadat . . my mother’s side family takes care about the farz ibadat like salat , zakat , & fasting but on my father’s side family they don’t care about the farz ibadaat i dont know about zakat whether they give zakat or not. They usually care about sunnat. My dadihaal is more like not follwing the religion. I am informing you this because i do not know why but i am like my dadihaal’s side it became part of my nature i always try not to be like them but some where inside me its persent. I do fulfill the basic farz ibadaat now Allahmdullilah & try to do nafli ibadaats but i cant do it in punctually like for example i usually recite Quran daily but at some point i do not. I used to listen islamic lectures and read islamic books but again after some time period I don’t.

Ashrafiya replied,

These days most families are like this.

We should thank Allah abundantly that He is guiding us towards Himself.

We can not judge others.

Some people who are outwardly irreligious may have strong eman internally and eventually outrun others in Here-after.

Our primary concern is salvation of ourself.

Focus on the essentials (faraiz) for now. Especially salah. Pray regularly on time. It is a must.

Keep a record of any namaz that is missed and qaza not done.

Try to read at least one page from the books of sayyidi wa sanadi Mawlana Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani sahib (Islahi majalis) or listen to the waaz online for 10 -15 mins daily.

Make dua aftet each salah in detail for whatever bothers you or you desire (3-5 minutes).

Recite kalimah tayyiba (la illaha ilAllah u) with occansiional (Muhammadur Rasool Allah, sallalaho alhe wasalam) while doing the house hold chores.

Islahi emails:MTA

Wird & Multitasking

A seeker wrote,

I noticed that increasingly I have begun to finish the daily tasbeehat on the go (while driving, walking etc) to save time, even when I am not really crunched by time. Would it be more recommended to try to force my self to properly sit down and do tasbeehat as much as possible.

Ashrafiya replied,
Multitasking in ma’amolat is not good. Especially for starters like me and you.

Try your best to do them properly in their allocated time.

Only if you are running late or there is an emergency you can complete them while you do other stuff.

Islahi emails:TA

Wird & Multitasking

A seeker wrote,

I noticed that increasingly I have begun to finish the daily tasbeehat on the go (while driving, walking etc.) to save time, even when I am not really crunched by time. Would it be more recommended to try to force my self to properly sit down and do tasbeehat as much as possible.

Ashrafiya replied,
Multitasking in ma’amolat is not good. Especially for starters like me and you.

Try your best to do them properly in their allocated time.

Only if you are running late or there is an emergency you can complete them while you do other stuff.

Islahi emails:TA

An Effective Method for Leaving out Sins

Hakim al Umma Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Allah have mercy on him) once mentioned:

One method which I prescribe to people for leaving out sins, is that every night before sleeping, one should seclude oneself in a room and sincerely supplicate to Allah to forgive him for his sins. One should make du’aa to Allah in the following manner: “O Allah! I am an extremely sinful servant! I am not worthy of any good and I am full of weaknesses!” Through these words, one should express one’s true condition of sinfulness before Allah. Thereafter, one should say, “O Allah! I do not have the courage and resolve to leave out these sins! It is only You who can assist and help me to leave out these sins!”

If one adopts this method, then insha Allah, in a week or two, he will be blessed with the facilitation (taufeeq) and ability to leave out these sins. However, very few people are willing to sincerely repent to Allah in this manner.

(Malfoozaat Husn-ul-Azeez pg. 226)

Expending for good causes

A seeker inquired,

Once you have earned a livelihood the next step is how to spend it. A portion is basic necessities. One should definitely make sure that no portion is spent on any outright haram activity.What portion of the leftover (after necessities and the not so necessary expenditures like better clothes, A/C, trip to Pakistan) should one donate? (Besides Zakat)

Ashrafiya replied,

Depends on your financial condition. 1/10th or 1/20th of the income should be allocated for good word (masaref e khair) and kept aside. Whenever there is an opportunity for good it can be spend.

Presents for the family, relatives, donations. etc. can be made from it.

Reviewed and approved by sanadi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him)

Mamoolaat during travel

A seeker wrote,

I wish to inquire about the Mamoolat during travel. Alhamdulilllah I did not miss any salat during the 2 days but couldn’t keep up with the Mamoolat. The days were so tightly scheduled (had to drive ~1000kms on one of the days), couldn’t find the time. Alhamdulillah I did listen to our Hazrat db’s islahi khutbaat while driving. inshaAllah In a couple of weeks I am going with my family on a road trip (2 weeks long ,1000kms) All of the days will have a lot of driving/hiking/sight seeing etc. involved.

Ashrafiya replied,

It is fine to decrease the quantity of mamoolat during travel. The degree of decrease depends on your time constraints, etc. When really very busy I decrease them to half or one third.

Leaving them completely is not advisable. It is usually detrimental to do so spiritually.

The best things is to do the tasbihats while driving.

Recite surah ikhlas 50 or 100 times instead of tilawet. (Keeping a regular or electronic tasbih handy is very useful.)

Read a page or two of munajat e maqbool if easily possible.

Listening to the lectures will substitute for the reading.

Islahi emails:TA

Reviewed and approved by sanadi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him)

The timing of daily mamoolaat

A seeker inquired,

Should I do the daily mamoolat spread over the day? I try to do them first thing in the morning so that I don’t miss them.

Ashrafiya replied,

The best is to do them first thing is the morning. Spreading them over a day can be done in special circumstances, like travelling etc.

Islahi emails:TA