Acknowledge mistake and make correction

A spiritual aspirant wrote:
“I try to perform the fardh salah and mostly with jamat Allhamdullilah. However, sometime I miss the jamat or qadah salah and then I try to perform that as soon as possible. The question is in such case, I feel bad for a very short moment and then move on to other things very quickly. I believe the lose is much more than feeling bad for a very short time. Should I do something specific at such time? Please advise.”

Shaykh (Allah SWT preserve him and allow us to benefit from him abundantly. Ameen) response:
“It fine to acknowledge the mistake, make correction and move on. Holding on to a loss and grieving for long duration are distraction. Each moment has a right that needs to be fulfilled. It will be wasting another moment for a past loss. Be reassured.”

Meraj us Salikeen: Islahi Makateeb #2

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