Assistance in finding a Shaikh

An individual inquired about finding a Shaikh.

Ashrafiya replied,

as salam o alaykum

JazakAllah. Your email is very much evident of your talub (yearning). MashaAllah. May Allah SWT increase it more. Amin!.

You are in Karachi. It is full of Mashaykh. Best individuals for you will be;

  1. Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Ashraf Usmnai (Allah protect him) at Darul Uloom Karachi,
  2. Hadhrat Mufti Abdur Rauf Sukkaravi (Allah protect him) also at Darul Uloom
  3. Mawlana Hakeem Mazhar (Allah protect him), at Kanqah e Ashrafiya, Gulshab Iqbal

Until you contact and establish a ta’luq with one of these, feel free to communicate with this lowly writer. We can share suggestions and discuss issues.

From now onwards, please,

  1. Make sure to guard your eyes, ears and tongue
  2. Abstain from all that is useless (lagw)
  3. Start the recitations of 4 tasbihat (only) in item #6 on For the seeker page
  4. After isha prayers make special dua for facilitation and guidance in finding a suitable Shaykh every day.
  5. Until the relationship with any on the above buzurgs is etablished feel free to communicate with me.

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