Author Archives: 'abd

About 'abd

Sayyidi wa Sanadi Mawlana Mohammad Taqi Usmani db's mureed/mojaz

Priorities for a Salik

1. Learning the authentic beliefs (aqaid) as per the pious predecessors.

2. Learning the Sunna methodology (fiqh) of performing worship.

3. Abandoning major sinful actions and repenting on minor ones.

4. Get rid of blameworthy moral characteristics (radhail), adopting praiseworthy moral characteristics (fadhail).

5. Earning & consuming a halal livelihood.

6. Getting married, establishing a home and raising children

7. Learning etiquette of financial dealings for everyday life.

8. Actively making a good intention in permissible actions.

9. Actively making an intention of pleasing Allah and following Sunna in all thoughts & actions.

10. Recitation of Sunna adhkar for different occasions (adiya e ma’sora)

11. Recitation of the litanies (adhkar & ashgaal) prescribed by the Sufi Shaykh.

Qutub al Irshad, vol 1, p 92-3

Reading: Be careful

Hakim Al Umma Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Allah have mercy on him) once mentioned the following:

If an irreligious person speaks of something relating to deen, then his speech will contain some darkness in it. Similarly, his writings will also contain some type of darkness in it. On the converse, if a righteous person speaks of something relating to the dunya, his speech will contain noor in it.

The reason is that in reality, a person’s speech originates from his heart. Hence, a person’s speech will definitely contain the effect of his heart. (If his heart is pure, the effect of the purity will be seen in his speech and writings, and if his heart is impure, then the effect of the impurity will similarly be seen in his speech and writings.)

When this is the situation, that the speaker’s inner condition is reflected in his speech, and the writer’s inner condition is reflected in his writing, then one should understand that it is extremely important for one to refrain from sitting in the company of irreligious people (those who are not committed to deen) and nor should one ever read their writings.

Reading the writings of an author is akin to sitting in his company. Thus, the very same ill-effects which one will experience through sitting in the company of an irreligious person will be found through reading his books or writings.

(Malfoozaat Hakeemul Ummat 23/117)


اصلاح اخلاق

سیدی و سندی حضرت مفتی تقی عثمانی صاحب مدظلہ نے فرمایا،
اصلاح اخلاق کے صرف دو راستے ہیں:
۱۔ صحبت اہل اللہ۔ وہ لوگ جنہوں نے کثرت مجاہدات سے اپنے اخلاق کو معتدل بنالیا ان کی صحبت کی کثرت۔
۲۔ توفیق الہی۔ اس کے لئے دعا کرتے رہنا چاہیے۔ جیسا کے احادیث میں تعلیم کیا گیا ہے۔ (اسئلک خلقا” مستقیما)

درس مناجات مقبول۔ ۷ اگست ۲۰۲۲

On seeing non-Muslims & non-practicing Muslims

A seeker wrote,

Sometimes I would look at non-Muslims, or non-practising-Muslims, and the thought of Hell would cause me grief and anxiety. I would get this feeling of helplessness, that I’m not helping them despite knowing.

Ashrafiya replied,

The best help is to make dua for them and be a role model Muslim. Set two or 3 minutes daily to make dua specifically for all of them.

Islahi emails:KN

Doubts 5: Who is Ahles Sunna?

A seeker wrote, Are the Barelwis within ahlus sunnah wal jamah and the Wahhabis? Or do their tasawuf and aqeeda positions take them out of this rubric?

Ashrafiya replied,

In the domain of islah and Tasawwuf one is most concerned about himself being a true Muslim.

I realized that almost 6 years have passed since our initial communication we must try to see what progress have we made in our spiritual betterment (islah) if any.

All others groups and things are distractors.

اللهم طهر قلبي عن غيرك و نور قلبي بنور معرفتك أبدا” يا الله! يا الله! يا الله!

Islahi emails: NS

Ajman 🇦🇪

Tasawwuf: فرض عین

Proof-of-Islam Imam Ghazali (Allah have mercy on him) said,

Tasawwuf is an essential obligation (فرض عین)۔’

Shaikh Abul Hasan Al Shazli (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘An individual who does not acquire Tasawwuf dies persisting on major sinful activities (گناہ کبیرہ) but is unaware of it.’

Eqaz Al Himam, p 35